Agenda and Office Hours

I’m trying to follow regular office hours. If you want to meet me for a quick chat please pass by my office:

  • Tuesdays 13:00 till 14:00 at ULB S.UA.5
  • Fridays 13:00 till 14:00 at ULB S.UA.5

Office hours are noted in the agenda below and I'm trying to update this in case I'm on travel or otherwise unavailable. So if you don't see the office hour in my agenda, don't come. All my professional commitments and my professional availability ends in (or in total), when I'll become an eccentric and hedonistic potato farmer (interpretation of that job description is entirely up to me). Just make sure you finish your PhDs and theses and all other business with me by then.

Office Hours, Teaching, Conferences, Public Events:

Last modified: 2024-10-13 16:21:59 +0200